Green Way Day 2022
The 5th annual Green Way Day will take place on 7th June 2022 and we, as a partner, are honoured to participate.
The professional program will feature presentations by major HVAC companies, followed by an evening program with refreshments and live music. Our company will be presented by the Sales Director Dipl. Ing. Filip Hainall in the morning.
Professional program:
- Clean rooms from point of view of pressure conditions
- New trends in air conditioning and cooling
- Ecodesign - panel discussion
- Heat pumps and coolants
- BIM (Building Information Modelling)
- Use of hydrogen
Come and meet us!
Organizer: Společnost pro techniku prostředi (Company of environment technology)
Venue: Folklore Garden, Na Zlíchově 18, CZ-15000 Prague 5 – Hlubočepy, Czech Republic